Go Mental! Programm I


120 min

Zur Website des Filmes

International Short Film Festival

Deutschlands erstes und einziges Kurzfilmfestival zu seelischer Gesundheit

Am 20. und 21. Mai 2022 findet das Go Mental! International Short Film Festival im Programmkino ACUD statt.
Das Festival macht es sich zur Aufgabe entstigmatisierende und authentische Filme zum Thema seelische Gesundheit zu fördern.

Am Freitagabend werden in zwei themenzentrierten Blöcken acht Kurzfilme unter den Schwerpunkten Men's Mental Health und Abuse & Healing mit anschließendem Talk gezeigt.
Die drei Gewinnerfilme dieses Jahres werden am Samstagabend gezeigt und mit der Green Ribbon ausgezeichnet.
Alle Filme werden in Originalsprache mit englischen Untertiteln gezeigt.

18:30 Uhr
19:00 Uhr
Begrüßungsrede der Festivalgründerinnen
19:05 Uhr
Festivalscreening von 4 Kurzfilmen zum Thema "Men's Mental Health" OmeU

Thanks For Coming In
Directed by Marco Gentile / United States of America / 11:30 Min.
Eating Disorder
This narrative short is an autobiographical quirky dramedy about male body-dysmorphia and the casual brutalities of the casting process.

I'll Call You In A Few
Directed by Carmen Sarieddine / Lebanon / 13:30 Min.
Mental Health Aid
During his night shift break, Karim, a suicide hotline operator, is in the toilet talking to his best friend Nour who is having a breakdown over the phone.

Directed by Lucy Hawes / United Kingdom / 08:52 Min.
Dementia / Art as Coping Mechanism
From Harlesden to Luton, we are transported through time, peeling back the layers of Ronald Amaze and his incredible life.

Hold Me Down
Directed by Caolan Flood / Germany / 04:28 Min.
This is a dance film about two young men struggling to cope in isolation.

19:45 Uhr
Festivalscreening von 4 Kurzfilmen zum Thema "Abuse & Healing" OmeU

Directed by Vanessa Payri / Canada / 15:00 Min.
Abuse and Trauma
This documentary short is a testimony polyphony of sexual assault survivors.

Mental Abuse Matters
Directed by Lucy Baxter / United Kingdom / 04:26 Min.
Abuse / Gaslighting
The Mental Abuse Matters animation explores emotional abuse in an intimate relationship and the phenomenon of “Gaslighting”, where the abuser dislocates the victim from reality and causes them to question their judgment and sanity.

Too Late
Directed by Kinga Syrek / Poland / 15:34 Min.
Parental Heritage / Addiction
The protagonist of the animated film is Edie Sedgwick, a model, actress, and star of Andy Warhol's films. The film, however, is not about her relationship with Warhol, but the relationship with her toxic father.

Visual Poetry: Self Love
Directed by Sofia Monezerratt / United States of America / 02:10 Min.
Self Healing
The personal journey of discovering and internalizing self-worth.

20:30 Uhr - 21:00 Uhr
Podiumsdiskussion mit Festivalgründerinnen, Jurymitgliedern und Publikumsgästen

(Bildmaterial entnommen aus dem Kurzfilm MAYFLY.)