EUROPEAN ART CINEMA DAY geht 2017 in die 2. Runde

Rund 400 Kinos, 28 Länder, allein 12.000 Besucher in Frankreich und 11.000 in Deutschland. Der internationale Arthouse Verband CICAE, der den European Art Cinema Day am 9. Oktober 2016 aus der Taufe hob, zeigt sich mit der ersten Auflage zufrieden und wird das Projekt 2017 weiterführen.

One day to celebrate European cinema and the work of art cinemas all over the world!

Finally, European filmgoers and passionate arthouse cinema operators have their own day to celebrate: the EUROPEAN ART CINEMA DAY.
Cinemas are an important part of the cultural landscape and enrich communities everywhere – in cities and in the countryside. They bring people together, regardless of age, origin, education or income.
With over 100 million guests in Europe each year, arthouse cinemas play a crucial role in promoting cultural diversity and showcasing young talent.

Arthouse cinemas exist all over Europe and flourish in areas with good infrastructure and strong supporting organisations. European Art Cinema Day aims to strengthen cinemas in regions that don’t have their own arthouse unions, develop support structures and increase the visibility of arthouse films in general.

Das Programm im ACUDkino folgt demnaechst.