Children of the Mist (Những đứa trẻ trong sương)

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Vietnam 2021
Sprachen(OF): hmong, vietnamese
Regie: Ha Le Diem
Drehbuch: N/A
92 min

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Human Rights Film Festival Berlin

Di ist 12, lebt in den nebligen Bergen Nordvietnams und glaubt, sie hat alles fest im Griff. Doch es gibt diesen Jungen und einen kleinen Flirt, anfangs ist alles wie ein Spiel.
Eine Nacht in seinem Haus katapultiert das Mädchen ins Chaos. Denn in Nordvietnam gilt die Tradition der Brautentführung – und ohne es zu wollen, hat sich Di verkauft. Ihr Schicksal scheint besiegelt, wie zuvor schon das ihrer Mutter und Schwester. Doch Di will studieren.
Von nun an kämpft sie gegen Erwachsene, die sie als ihr Eigentum betrachten. Gegen einen jahrhundertealten Brauch, der stärker wirkt als ihr Wunsch, zur Schule zu gehen. Gegen ihre eigenen Gefühle, Ängste, Zweifel und inneren Widersprüche.
Die beeindruckende Geschichte einer Selbstermächtigung.

Plot: DI is a 13-year-old girl living in a village lost in the mist of North Vietnamese mountains. She is fortunate in that she is part of the first generation of kids whom have the opportunity to have access to education, but she must convince her parents that studying is not a waste of time and money. If she can't achieve this challenge, she would be trapped in the village her entire life, "just like a frog in a well". DI belongs to the Hmong ethnic minority, where traditionally women get married very young, some of them from the early age of 12. In this society, marriage is linked to a very particular and controversial tradition: the "bride-kidnapping". When a boy is interested in a girl, he organizes her kidnapping before forcing her back to his own home. In some occasions this process turns pretty dangerous and dark. When DI enters puberty, her personality has changed drastically: the carefree little girl has turned into an impetuous, hypersensitive teenager. She often has arguments with her mother who is trying to forbid her to have reckless relationships. Her mother worries that her daughter could be harmed or mistreated and won't have enough maturity to handle the situation. On the Lunar New Year's Eve, when DI's parents come back home after celebrating, the house is silent and empty: DI has disappeared. Her mother broke in tears realising that her daughter had been kidnapped: this may signify the end of DI's childhood and the beginning of her life as a woman.