Bridging the Gap I Mind & Body (with Q&A session)


90 min

Zur Website des Filmes

Go Mental! International Short Film Festival

Host: B.Sc. Psychology & Actress Jennifer Lynn Tune

19:00 Uhr: Intro

19:10 Uhr:
Director: Céline Ufenast
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Runtime: 3:37
Genre: Animation
Mental Health Issue: Social Media Addiction
An animated short film on the addictive nature of social media and its effect on mental health.

19:15 Uhr:
Fall Better
Director: George Magner
Country of Origin: United Kingdom
Runtime: 9:04
Genre: Narrative
Mental Health Issue: PTSD / Trauma
A young man is recovering from a severe autoimmune disease that has impacted his ability to walk. Will he ever be able to run again?

19:30 Uhr:
Ringing Silence
Director: Claudio Emanuele Hofer
Country of Origin: Switzerland
Runtime: 14:08
Genre: Documentary
Mental Health Issue: Tinnitus / Stress
What is it like to live with a constant noise inside your own ear? This documentary explores the mental stressors that tinnitus can put on someone.

19:45 Uhr:
Winking Out
Director: Juliette Mauduit
Country of Origin: Belgium
Runtime: 17:04
Genre: Animation
Mental Health Issue: Epilepsy
A short film that recounts the experience of an epileptic seizure as seen from the inside. Through the medium of film, the director transposes the symptoms and after-affects into an artistic form, bringing visibility to an illness that is still little known.

20:05 Uhr:
On The Verge
Director: Karol Jaworski-Richards
Country of Origin: Denmark
Runtime: 8:09
Genre: Narrative
Mental Health Issue: Bipolar Disorder
The story of a man struggling with bipolar disorder. He is pushed to the limits of his sanity, at the expense of his loved ones.

20:20 Uhr:
Q&A Session mit den FilmemacherInnen sowie der Jury 2023 und dem Publikum (in English).

Wir richten in diesem Jahr vom 18. - 20. Mai die dritte Ausgabe des Go Mental! International Short Film Festival erneut im ACUDkino und online über die Plattform Movies Everywhere aus. Im Anschluss sind alle Kurzfilme noch vom 21. bis einschließlich 31. Mai online über Movies Everywhere verfügbar.

Wir sind das erste Filmfestival in Deutschland, welches das Thema seelische Gesundheit in den Mittelpunkt rückt.
Unser Ziel ist es, internationale Kurzfilme zu fördern, die authentisch und entgegen typischer Klischees die verschiedenen Facetten von seelischer Gesundheit cineastisch abbilden.